NFT: art and decentralised digital culture market: speaks Oliver Camponovo

NFT: art and decentralised digital culture market: speaks Oliver Camponovo

published: 20 Marzo 2021

So-called NFT – “Non Fungible Tokens” are digital goods. They represent a wide range of unique, tangible and intangible items. They range from collectable sport cards to virtual real estate, including digital trainers but also and especially art! NFT key features are its non-interoperability, indivisibility, indestructibility and verifiability.

One of the main advantages of owning a digital collectable item, compared to a physical object, is that each NFT contains distinctive information. This information makes it different from any other NFT and easily verifiable. The creation and the circulation of fake collectable  items is pointless, as each item can be traced back to its original issuer.

NFT: art and decentralised digital culture market: speaks Oliver Camponovo


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